Insulation sleeves
Insulation sleeve
„ISOMA“ Insulation sleeve
Other substantial advantages are a faster thermal adjustment of the cylinder to the desired operating temperature, an increase in occupational safety by lowering the surface temperature and a noticeable improvement in the indoor climate in the production halls.
Product features
Technical details
Temperature range
Standard up to 500°C
Optional up to 1000°C
thermal glass web,
Fiberglass needle mat
Outer sheath material
PTFE- coated web
Silicone- coated web
Steam resistant web
Safety at work
Increase of safety at work
(Surface contact temperature)
Energy cost reduction
Saving of heating energy costs
up to 50%
Insulation thickness
Insulation thickness 25 mm up to 30 mm
Sleeve lock
Stainless steel buckle and strap
Temperature resistance up to 1000°C
vibration resistant
High insulation value
Thermal conductivity < 0,1W/mK
Easy to assemble and disassemble
Reduction of the heating time
Avoidance of temperature loss
Avoidance of heat radiation
Outcuts according
to customer specifications
Reduction of CO2
Temperature range
Standard up to 500°C
Optional up to 1000°C
thermal glass web,
Fiberglass needle mat
Outer sheath material
PTFE- coated web
Silicone- coated web
Steam resistant web
Safety at work
Increase of safety at work
(Surface contact temperature)
Energy cost reduction
Saving of heating energy costs
up to 50%
Insulation thickness
Insulation thickness 25 mm up to 30 mm
Sleeve lock
Stainless steel buckle and strap
Temperature resistance up to 1000°C
vibration resistant
High insulation value
Thermal conductivity < 0,1W/mK
Easy to assemble and disassemble
Reduction of the heating time
Avoidance of temperature loss
Avoidance of heat radiation
Outcuts according
to customer specifications
Reduction of CO2