We sense

Important information about trademark infringements and imitation!

Be careful of copied or imitated products that do not meet our German quality standards and are not distributed or manufactured by us, Gräff GmbH, Bonner Straße 54, D – 53842 Troisdorf, Germany!

Declaration (PDF)

Specialists for Thermocouples and resistance thermometers

Highest Quality
“Made in Germany”.

We offer more than 5,000 different thermocouples and resistance thermometers. With more than 20,000 possible variations. And yet, we are continuously developing new, tailored solutions – for every challenge, for every industry.

  • Plastics industry

  • Food industry

  • Raw material refining industry

  • Metalworking

  • Furnace construction

  • Waste management

  • Automotive industry

  • Plant and mechanical engineering

  • Construction industry

  • Glass industry
  • Textile industry

Product portfolio

We promise solutions.

With an experience of over 60 years in the development and production of temperature sensors, we have become one of the leading manufacturers of temperature, measurement and control technology. In addition, we also provide solutions in other areas.

The use of high-quality materials as well as company-wide certified and monitored processes ensure a consistent quality of Gräff products that meets your requirements.

You are welcome to contact us directly to clarify questions or discuss special solutions.

Temperature sensor

Melt pressure sensor

Electric heating

Insulating sleeves


Gräff’s CAD Configurator

Easily configure temperature sensors individually.

Do you have specific requirements for your temperature sensor? You can directly use our CAD Configurator for this. This not only allows you to configure your sensor individually, you can also export your configuration to all common CAD formats and use it for further design. What do you have to do? Register for free upon completion of your design to be able to export it. You are welcome to contact us directly if you would like us to assist you. We will be happy to support you anytime.

Sie suchen Lösungen.
Wir haben Antworten.

Wir sind für Sie da, wenn Sie Fragen, konkrete Anforderungen oder Herausforderungen haben, für die es spezielle und passgenaue Lösungen bedarf. Gerne stehen wir Ihnen mit unserer Kompetenz persönlich zur Seite. Nehmen Sie jederzeit mit uns Kontakt auf.