We sense

Important information about trademark infringements and imitation!

Be careful of copied or imitated products that do not meet our German quality standards and are not distributed or manufactured by us, Gräff GmbH, Bonner Straße 54, D – 53842 Troisdorf, Germany!

Declaration (PDF)

Gräff GmbH – Market leader in temperature sensor technology

Achieving more together.

Made in Germany – with more than 100 employees, we produce more than 5,000 different temperature sensors with more than 20,000 possible variations at our site in Troisdorf near Bonn.

We don’t just focus on quality, we create quality. Our concentrated expertise, our many years of experience and our passion ensure that we fulfill all conceivable temperature recording tasks from almost all branches of industry.

Our values.

The character of each company is unique. So is ours. Get to know us.

Our standards.

A certification requires quality. We fulfill it brilliantly. See for yourself.

Our jobs.

We are always open to people who would like to join our team. Currently, open tenders can be found here.

We enjoy a working environment here in which we are not only perceived as individuals with our strengths and talents, but are also encouraged.
We enjoy a working environment here in which we are not only perceived as individuals with our strengths and talents, but are also encouraged.

The Company today

Gräff in figures.

years of experience
0 qm
of production and storage space
different temperature sensors
possible variations
new ideas

Sie suchen Lösungen.
Wir haben Antworten.

Wir sind für Sie da, wenn Sie Fragen, konkrete Anforderungen oder Herausforderungen haben, für die es spezielle und passgenaue Lösungen bedarf. Gerne stehen wir Ihnen mit unserer Kompetenz persönlich zur Seite. Nehmen Sie jederzeit mit uns Kontakt auf.